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Principal Message 2/9

Principal Message 2/9

Happy Lunar New Year! 

I hope you had a great week. We celebrated Lunar New Year this week, complete with dragon posters, money trees, and crab rangoon. It is fun to be able to celebrate a New Year twice just a few months apart because it gives us all a chance to reset and reminds us we can change at any time. We can overcome, we can pivot, we can find new friends, we can always try again. We also started celebrating Black History Month. We love learning about cultures, heroes, and any excuse to celebrate.

Speaking of celebrating, shout out to senior Sade Lee, who was honored this month with the Rotary Club. She will receive scholarship money from the West Chester Rotary Club. We have had a few others celebrated this year with the rotary club including Chyenne Bouldin and Zion Dennard. This week at Central, we also met with our little cubs, talked about graduation, and took a few state practice tests. We are halfway through the quarter now, so you may have noticed a “board policy” grade in HAC. This lets us align our in-person block scheduling to align with district grading policy that is set for the quarter mark. If you are a fully virtual student, it does not apply because you are on the standard curriculum timeline (so the grading policy applies first and third quarter). If you have questions, please reach out and ask me. 

Next week, we will be working on graduation plans/senior timelines, we will help our underclassmen understand more about their skills, potentials, and interests so we can be more intentional about their high school course selection and post-secondary options (we will do this on Wednesday). We have a normal week but we do not have a virtual day Friday because the district is closed Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th for a compensatory day and President’s day. We have conferences and a student showcase on February 28th, so please keep it on your calendar. 

Have a wonderful and warm weekend. 

Kate Joseph

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