Principal Message-11/8/24
Dear Central Families,
I hope you are enjoying the cooler Fall weather this weekend with friends and family!
This past Wednesday, we recognized 19 students in a VIP award celebration. VIP stands for, Very Improved Performance, and these students were nominated by staff members for excellence in a variety of categories for the 1st quarter. The nominated students were: Alexis Cervantes, Mason Sharp, Helen Henriquez Duran, Addison Maxwell, Elaine Alessia, Logan Bellamy, Brayden Campbell, Declyn Mochrie, Kyarra Hughes, Aiden Beevers, Jenna Cleveland, Rogan McKnight, Aslyn Porter, Zander Crooks, Kaleigh Stewart, Jasmine Frary.
We met with all Seniors on Thursday, November 7 about graduation. The students have a canvas page with information about graduation and the college process. Also, the deadline for ordering caps and gowns for graduation is approaching in early December.
Finally, we will have several military recruiters at Central HS on Wednesday, November 13. Any student interested may attend the presentation at 10:20am.
Eric Bauman
- principal